Posted by: United Organisation for Batwa Development in Uganda | 11/05/2017

Have you ever valued the importance of a basin?

We all know that a basin is one of the basic requirements in a home in order to promote good sanitation habits. We also assume that everyone must have a basin in their home.

However, this may be  different. On a recent concluded community fieldwork with in the Batwa communities by UOBDU, the staff got some amusing confessions about none possession of a basin in most  Batwa households.

One mutwa said” Thank God, I have been using a polythene bag locally known as Kavera to wash my clothes but now I have received a basin. Another mutwa said that he had dug a small pit which would trap water and be used as basin.

This leaves one to wonder if a basin is too expensive for a mutwa to afford. However, this shows how poor and helpless some Batwa families are irrespective of several projects by different NGO’S in the the area since little attention is usually given to essential necessities.

